One word cannot describe who I am. I am very complex but simple, loud but quiet... I am a constant contradiction to myself.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

It Is Coming.....OH MY!!!

The year 2011 is coming to an end and 2012 is getting ready to start. Of course there is a big hype about Dec 21, 2012 being the end of the world... Here is what I think... It is the millennium all over again!!!

I don't think zombies are going to try and eat us, I don't think California is going to break off into the ocean, I don't think Jesus is coming back on that day, and I don't think the apocalypse is gonna happen on that day. I do think... Jesus will come back some day and the world will end one day.

A lot of being put on the Mayan calendar predicting the "end of the world". However, the Mayan's actually just predicted something bad happening but the world would continue. The Mayan's think the world will always continue but something big will happen on Dec. 21, 2012. Personally I don't put much faith in the Mayan's because even the Bible says NO ONE will know the day Jesus is coming back.

So, I welcome 2012 and I look forward to another year on earth to watch my son grow up. If the world does end of Dec. 21, 2012... well... I will be happy to see my God. :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Physical Body Lost BUT The Spiritual Body Won

On Dec. 23rd at 5:25pm the world lost someone very special. We lost a woman of God, a wife, a wonderful mother, and an all around beautiful person. Her name is/was Lisa Hays. She was my preacher's wife and she lost her battle with lung cancer. Through out her struggles her faith stayed strong and so did the faith of her family. She did not complain or ask "why me God" but just fought with all she had. Every time I see Zebra print I will be reminded of Lisa and her faith. The following is why (it was written by her daughter Corrie).

"A year ago in October, we underwent our first biopsy. Mom had several swollen lymphnodes, but also a good sized tumor in her right lung. Instead of biopsying both, the surgeon, hoping to save us some time and stress, just ...biopsied the lymphnodes. They came back negative, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. He, in his awesome Swiss accent, told us "The possibility that the tumor is cancerous but the lympnodes are not is like finding a zebra in Alaska". However, just to be safe, our surgeon went back in a few days later, using a guided biopsy, going straight to the tumor itself. Her right lung collapsed, and they found the cancer. So, since the lymphnodes were just granulomas (there's a good explanation of that on Wikipedia if you're curious), but the tumor was cancerous (Stage IIIb, I might add), Mom became "the Zebra". It's kind of her mascot throughout all of this, and she always says that "she's surviving in a wilderness that is not her home". Keep surviving, Mom; you're doing one heck of a job.--Corrie"

Lisa's journey was documented on facebook through "Lunch for Lisa". It was a page dedicated to prayer and fasting for Lisa. People who did not even know Lisa started to "like" the page and started making comments. They also started to pray for her and her family. I witnessed with my own eyes someone who had never meet Lisa pray for her and even speak with her through facebook. The page would give everyone details on what was going on. We knew about the cancer found in her lungs, the pneumonia taking over, the hemorrhaging, the blood transfusions, the plasma, the ventilator, oxygen levels, hemoglobin levels, and through this page we knew when she was going to be taken off the ventilator.

Lisa battled with lung cancer even though she never smoked a day in her life. I would see her most evenings out walking with her husband, so I know she was also getting exercise. Lisa was just a healthy woman. A women we liked walking, singing, and spending time with her family. If people didn't know Lisa they had the opportunity to get to know her through "Lunch for Lisa" and learn how wonderful she was.

Although we will mourn we will also rejoice. God had a plan and purpose for Lisa and she filled that purpose so now it is time for her to go home. Home where she will never feel pain, home where she will never have difficulty breathing, a home where she can sing to the Lord, a home where children will welcome her with open arms, and a home where there is no pain or suffering. Our God is a mighty all knowing God.

The physical body (shell) was worn down and no longer useful. Therefore, God took Lisa and I am sure she is enjoying her spiritual body in heaven. Tears have been shed and will continue to be shed. We are happy the suffering is gone but we are sad for our lose. I think when God's purpose is filled then our life here on earth comes to an end. It doesn't make it easier to deal with though. It is human nature to not want death for anyone because we are selfish. Not selfish in a really bad way, but we just want our loved ones close, and I do not see anything wrong with that. In Lisa's case...she will be missed. Tears will flow, hugs will be given, condolences given, flowers, prayers, love, and we will rejoice, because we will see her again someday!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tis the Season

Holy shananagins!! Four days straight of family Christmas stuff!! My 4 year old son has so many toys from everyone else! We only get him three gifts every year because "Jesus only got 3 for his birthday" :)

So, this year it is Buzz, Woody/Bullseye, and this giant marble race. Of course my husband could not wait to open the marble race so he could play with it, so my son got it tonight before I left for work. As I was leaving they were still putting it together, but most of it was done. I texted my husband to see if my son liked his new gift and his response "good". Gee thanks for the detailed information babe.... Here they are before I left!

So, after I get off work at 2am I have to put the other two presents under the tree and stuff the stockings. Yes... I am sorry... there is no Santa... or he doesn't come to my house and makes me spend my own money on presents! Thankfully we only have our own Christmas tomorrow then the in-laws are bringing over more presents for my son. He is certainly spoiled rotten!!!!!

I am ready for the craziness of Christmas to be OVER!! It is crazy how ever year it becomes less about family and more about presents... I really enjoy the family time but when everything is scheduled for the same day we only have about 1 hour with each part of the family, then it is on to the next one. For me, everything is cut a bit shorter because I work evenings. But hey someone has to answer 9-1-1 on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.. :p

Friday, December 23, 2011

Life Isn't Over Until We Stop Breathing

Every day we wake up we are living. Schedules continue every day. Wake up, get the kid ready for school, go to work, get home, go to bed, do it all again... Welcome to life as most of us know it. Of course we try to break out of the mundane on occasion by taking vacations or just relaxing. For me every day is different.

The calls I get at work are never the same ones I recieved the day before. The things my son says are never the same as what he said the day before. Little changes in the days are a reminder that we are still living. Time seems to speed past. We are not statues watching the world go by, we are the people making the world go. Every one has their own purpose in this world. Life is not over until we stop breathing.