One word cannot describe who I am. I am very complex but simple, loud but quiet... I am a constant contradiction to myself.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stupidity Does Not Remove us From the Grace of God

Suicide is not an option. We do not have the right to take our own lives. That belongs to God. But.... stupidity does not remove us from the grace of God.
Due to recent circumstances and prior ones I have been reading up on suicide being the unforgivable sin or not. According to the bible their is only one sin that is unforgivable and it can be found in Matthew 12:22-32. I know several catholics believe that suicide is a sure way into hell, but I have found information on the contrary. All sins are forgivable by God if forgiveness is asked for. The problem I see is if someone commits suicide it is too late to ask for forgiveness because the act has already been committed. So, it is up to God whether they are able to walk into the gates of Heaven or if they have to suffer eternity in hell. The only thing I know for sure, is it not my call to make and I am glad.
Suicide has once again forced itself into my life. I say forced because that is exactly how it feels. Life was continuing how it was supposed to when someone decided to take it into their own hands. They no longer wanted to live the life that God had planned for them, nor were they willing to wait until God decided their time was up. They made their own decision. Granted God did give us the right to make choices but I do not think this was the choice we were supposed to be taking.
Life can be hard, life can be tragic, life can be demanding, life can be frustrating... but life can also be happy, wonderful, and full of love. At what point do we decide enough is enough?? I don't think we should be able to make that decision. Who are we to take lives... including our own!!!
I have always seen, and always will see suicide as a selfish thing. I know their are some instances when suicide seems to be the best option. For example, someone who is ate up with cancer and suffering every minute of their life, or someone who is being continuously tortured. However, depression should not be a good reason to take your own life. There is medication, professionals, friends, family, and God to lean on so why take the easy way out with a bullet, pills, or knife?
I know suicide will continue no matter what my feelings are, but I wish people who see that there is help out there. There is something more to life that what you are currently feeling!! And once again....
Suicide is not an option. We do not have the right to take our own lives. That belongs to God. But.... stupidity does not remove us from the grace of God.
i hope you r.i.p. tommy... you made the decision this time, but God has the final one